चिमणी वाचवा अभियान
चिड़िया बचाव अभियान
"Save sparrow poster"
This activity was undertaken to raise awareness of the declining number of house sparrow and the need for its conservation. Also to preserve existing populations and undertake measures to raise their numbers within the area. Until about ten years ago the house sparrow was one of the most familiar and common of urban Indian birds. The house sparrow population in declining fast.Call Dr. Jawale Chetan 9422770869 zoology@rediffmail.com Nashik
हिरवळ फौंडेशन चिमणी वाचवा अभियान
Price: 1 nest box cost 450 Rs.
by Indian Post (all charges included)
Deposit amount in following Google Pay account, send me your address and i will dispatch it from Nashik.
In Nashik 9422770869,
Flat no. 9 , Building no. 17,
Narshiha Nagar,
Near Dena Bank,
Gangapur Road,
Narshiha Nagar,
Near Dena Bank,
Gangapur Road,
Please sponsor us! We need your help!
Call on the 9422770869 to discuss sponsorship with us
see this first
Call on the 9422770869 to discuss sponsorship with us
see this first
"We succeed in increasing sparrows number in our city"
School teachers can organized
Save Sparrow activity,
we will provide loose parts to be assemble in school through students. call 9422770869
Photo by Ashok Nirgulkar. On account of world sparrow day on 20th March 2016 School students of Baroda (Gujarat) along with their parents gathered in the school to assemble the sparrow nest. under the guidance of Mr. Sunil patel, an enthusiastic and creative teacher. On account of world sparrow day on 20th march students along with their parents gathered in the school to assemble the sparrow nest. On account of world sparrow day on 20th march students along with their parents gathered in the school to assemble the sparrow nest. On account of world sparrow day on 20th march students along with their parents gathered in the school to assemble the sparrow nest. On account of world sparrow day on 20th march students along with their parents gathered in the school to assemble the sparrow nest. On account of world sparrow day on 20th march students along with their parents gathered in the school to assemble the sparrow nest. On account of world sparrow day on 20th march students along with their parents gathered in the school to assemble the sparrow nest. On account of world sparrow day on 20th march students along with their parents gathered in the school to assemble the sparrow nest. |
Dr. Jawale Chetan S. With his improved design of Sparrow nest
Now feeders are also available
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Photo by Mr. Ashok Nirgulkar, Pune |
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Photo by Mr. Ashok Nirgulkar, Pune |
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Photo by Mr. Ashok Nirgulkar, Pune |
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Photo by Mr. Ashok Nirgulkar, Pune |
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Photo by Mr. Ashok Nirgulkar, Pune |
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Photo by Mr. Ashok Nirgulkar, Pune |
Now feeders are also available
Mr. Milind Pawar, volunteer for Sparrow nest
Food supplies in towns and cities may have been reduced with the development of new buildings on previously derelict land. House sparrows need aphids, weevils, grasshoppers and caterpillars to feed their young and these may now be harder to find in our towns and cities. The intensified use of pesticides and herbicides which reduces the amount of insects and weed seed food, changes in agricultural practices. Reduction in the availability of nest sites through the renovation of old buildings, and modern architectural designs, especially roofs with a reduction in access to roof space, clearance of shrubberies in parks and removal of creepers from wall. Finally the effect of predation by sparrow hawks, crows, and the domestic cat. All these factors have considerably reduced population of Indian house sparrows.
As part of this, a number of awareness raising events were undertaken by the Hirval foundation team. It includes schools projects, workshops, distribution of house sparrow information material and sparrow nest. Hirval foundation has developed scientifically suitable designed for the Indian house sparrow. Such nest boxes were tested and evaluated for the most preferential nesting sites for the local sparrows. Thus as a part and effort of increasing sparrow population, these nest boxes were distributed in various apartments and gardens with the sponsorship of some Nature Lovers.
Our Sparrow nest in the window of a Flat in Residential Complex at Nashik

Increasing awareness towards save sparrow movement, A sparrow nest in parking place
People are supporting Save sparrow campaign by fixing these sparrow nest in their balconies
This is the right time for fixing these sparrow nest, because May is their breeding season here in nashik.
See even these mobile towers don't have any impact on the sparrow nesting behaviour. but it has effect on our day to day life, mobile keep us engaged whole day, and don't give time to look around for the lovey birds.isn't it ?.
Our different birds nest designs.
Sparrow nest with three eggs in it.
(Second nesting, below mobile tower)
--> (Second nesting, below mobile tower)
See, what we (people) are providing to these birds through our polythene pollutions. They have started using polythene bags as nesting material instead of cotton.
Male sparrow guarding his nest and egg incubating female.
Sparrows two Chiclets and one unhatched egg (may be due to pesticides)
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Here at 60 feet height, 5th floor, started second nesting. "this is rare phenomenon". |
At the Entrance
Research paper in international journal
Jawale Chetan S.
Department of Zoology H.P.T. Arts R.Y.K. Science College, Nashik 422005 (M.S)
1) Is this small hole is sufficient to enter for sparrow? isn't it small?
2) Why roosting (resting) rod is not fixed on entry hole? it will help sparrow to sit there.
1) The entry hole is specifically of 32 mm, (thorax size of sparrow) so that only sparrow should be able to enter in it, and no other birds will grab that nest or nestlings.
2) Roosting rod will also provide space to seat and take out young-ones form the nest. It prevent predation.
After all that nest should be very very safe for the young-ones, and not for our entertainment or decoration purpose.
Nesting material dispenser
This is our new invention for bird conservater. With this you can call many diffrent bird to collect nestin materials they requir for builidng their nest. now a days we observed that these small bird are not geting proper nesting material, in many instance we found the brrom stick, lastic ribbans and many mor junk whic could harm their youngones. so started experimenting with this and it work perfectly.many diffrne tbird visit your galarry for taking this nesting material
Install some around you home, and see the magic...
This dispensers are available in diffrent shapes, like square, Round, triangals, and loaded with full nesting material.
next time you can get replaced it with us or fill it yourself.
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Nesting material dispenser for all kinds of birds (available by order 500 Rs.) |
last year we got an inquiry regarding feeders (those specifically for small bird, and not for pigeons) so we design this feeder and it's perfect.
it is completely made from the scrap material.
all reuse kind of things
larger birds can't seat on it (pigeons etc.)
no need to fill every day with grains
"fill it shut it and forget it"
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19 march 2015 on eve of Sparrow day, published in Deshdoot news paper, nashik edition. |